Friday, May 5, 2017

Merger photo preview

1. Is there something you see in the photo above that you think could be a problem when you take your photos? Look carefully.
Not moving far enough from the last photo
2. Where do you think would be a great place to take this type of picture here on the Bowie campus?
Outside, or on stairs
3. Can you think of something creative to actually DO in the photo when you take yours?
Move from forward to backward, side to side, height differences 
4. Is there something you could wear that would help you when you do this photo?


Monday, May 1, 2017

HDR photography preview

1. What manipulations to the camera will you need to make to create an HDR image?
shutter speed and aperture 
2. What equipment will we use to take this type of image?

a camera with AEB function, a tripod, and an HDR photo blend software
3. What is the reason someone might take an HDR image?

to produce a picture with luminosity and depth of field 
4. What can we expect to happen with the images once we merge them together, what will we see that we might not have seen with just one photo?

to get exposure we might not see in a normal photos Image result for hdr photography

Image result for hdr photography
