Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Yearbook Introduction

  1. A theme that describes the school's year
  2. Students extra circular activities
  3. Teachers
  4. Names of Students
  5. Important staff in the office
  6. Student vacation page
  7. Sports page
  8. club page
  9. Band page
  10. Big football game page
  11. Homecoming page
  12. Pep rallies
  13. FFA animals or events
  14. Theatre page
  15. JROTC page
  16. Senior page
  17. A section for each grade level
  18. Silver Star or dancer page
  19. Cheer page
  20. Prom page
  21. Each sport or clubs team picture
  22. Sponsors
  23. Score of games
  24. Index
  25. Name of person who made each page and who took each picture
1. What is the title of your book?
I am 

2. What school is it from?
Stony Point High School

3. What "thematic elements" do you see in your book? This means what elements are evident from beginning to end of the book

i noticed that this like a very friendly school because they have a lot of students quotes and they are a very diverse school. 

4. How many sections are in your book? This could be tough to figure out, but do your best

Theres not really sections in this book, I feel like everything just goes together. They do have pages of what the students do and eat outside of school and what they do and eat in school.  

5. What is your favorite "spread"? A spread is 2 pages about the same topic

6. Is there an Index in your book?
7. Are there photos of groups of people, like clubs and organizations?

8. Is there a table of contents?

9. How many people go to the school whose book you have?
About 1,980

10. What state is your book from?       

Monday, January 23, 2017

Prompt shoot 4

Footprints (veritcal)

The end (horizontal)

Connected (5 X 7)

Pause (own cropping)

Monday, January 9, 2017

Phobia Project

A. 1. What is a Phobia?Phobia - A phobia (from the Greek: meaning "fear" or "morbid fear") is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a ape of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often recognized as irrational.

B. List and define 5 phobias from The Phobia List:

Kainolophobia or Kainophobia- Fear of anything new, novelty.
Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat.
Katagelophobia- Fear of ridicule.
Kathisophobia- Fear of sitting down.
Katsaridaphobia- Fear of cockroaches.

C. Brainstorm on your blog possible ideas for your Phobia photo.

Amaxophobia- Fear of riding in a car : I can have someone get in a car and look out the window with their hands on the window, acting like they are trying to get out of the car. I will probably get my cousin or friend to be the person, I will probably shoot these at my house. 

Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror. : I could have one of my family members act like they are getting ready in a bathroom but with the lights off so they can't see themselves in the mirror. Or i could have them get ready in a bathroom with the lights on but them facing the opposite direction of the mirror. 

Pyrexiophobia- Fear of Fever. : I will get someone holding a thermometer or the object you check your temperature with and it will show that person having fever that person will have a  freaked out face. Or I will take a picture of a person ruling ice on their forehead to show like they always want to stay cold.

Ophidiophobia- Fear of snakes. (Snake phobia)
Panthophobia- Fear of suffering and disease. :

D. What photographic techniques can you use to help highlight your images? Come up with one idea for each of your three photos you will take.


Pyrexiophobia-  Background 

Eisoptrophobia- rule of thirds

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Reflection of 2016

I liked this photo because I think Simone Biles needs to be honored for her hard work and dedication she put in to winning the gold metals. 

I think this is important because Barack Obama was talking about the Sandy Hook shooting and he thinks gun violence is very important and it shows that the victims mean a lot to him.  

I thought this was funny because this normally doesn't happen but it could've been really dangerous. 

Part 2: 
 Best song:
My favorite song would be Fake Love by Drake because I liked the beat and my cousin and I listen to that song all the time.

Best Movie:
I thought Zootopia was a really good movie because it could be for all ages and it had a really good plot and it was thought out real well. I think it also had a good moral for kids to learn from.

News Story:
The biggest news story was when Donald Trump won to become the president. This was big because everyone thought Hillary Clinton was going to win but then the tables turned and it was the complete opposite.

In my opinion i thought Simone Biles was a very important person because all of her dedication and hard work payed off when she won four gold medals and one bronze medal. She brought her team to victory by winning the last event. I think she deserves credit for her hard work and talent.

In cheer I thought the biggest story was when TGLC was at Worlds, the biggest and last competition, and they did really good day 1 and they were in first place. On day 2 they fell apart and moved all the way to fourth place.

Part 3:
The thing that I will remember most was just spending time with my family and seeing everyone happy. My little cousin Tyson is 4 years old and has a sister in her early twenties that pasted on new years so just seeing him open his christmas presents was exciting and seeing him happy and laughing makes me happy. I don't really know my resolutions yet, I haven't thought about it that much yet. In 2017 I will be looking forward too the many memories with friends and family and if i will eventually get my license.