Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Reflection of 2016

I liked this photo because I think Simone Biles needs to be honored for her hard work and dedication she put in to winning the gold metals. 

I think this is important because Barack Obama was talking about the Sandy Hook shooting and he thinks gun violence is very important and it shows that the victims mean a lot to him.  

I thought this was funny because this normally doesn't happen but it could've been really dangerous. 

Part 2: 
 Best song:
My favorite song would be Fake Love by Drake because I liked the beat and my cousin and I listen to that song all the time.

Best Movie:
I thought Zootopia was a really good movie because it could be for all ages and it had a really good plot and it was thought out real well. I think it also had a good moral for kids to learn from.

News Story:
The biggest news story was when Donald Trump won to become the president. This was big because everyone thought Hillary Clinton was going to win but then the tables turned and it was the complete opposite.

In my opinion i thought Simone Biles was a very important person because all of her dedication and hard work payed off when she won four gold medals and one bronze medal. She brought her team to victory by winning the last event. I think she deserves credit for her hard work and talent.

In cheer I thought the biggest story was when TGLC was at Worlds, the biggest and last competition, and they did really good day 1 and they were in first place. On day 2 they fell apart and moved all the way to fourth place.

Part 3:
The thing that I will remember most was just spending time with my family and seeing everyone happy. My little cousin Tyson is 4 years old and has a sister in her early twenties that pasted on new years so just seeing him open his christmas presents was exciting and seeing him happy and laughing makes me happy. I don't really know my resolutions yet, I haven't thought about it that much yet. In 2017 I will be looking forward too the many memories with friends and family and if i will eventually get my license.

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