Monday, December 12, 2016

Final Review

1. Rule of thirds- When your photo is not in the center and it is near a corner 

2. Balancing Elements- Where the objects in the picture are equal

3. Leading Lines- Subject is followed by lines in a photo 

4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)- Patterns are appealing to the eye to make the picture pop out more.

5. Viewpoint- The different angles you can take the photo from

6. Background- A plain background is better when you really want the subject to show

7. Create depth- Having the subject in a background, foreground, or in the middle

8. Framing- Having objects frame the subject so its focused more on the subject and not the background

9. Cropping- Crop the photo to make it look accurate.
10. Mergers and avoiding them- Objects overlapping each other or cutting someone out of the photo.

Aperture- The speed of light that travels through the lens
Shutter speed- how fast the picture takes
Iso- measure of sensitivity of light

Exposure- how light or dark the photo will be once its taken
Depth of Field- distance between the nearest and farthest objects in a photo that are in focus.
Focal length- distance between the lens and the image sensor when the subject is in focus

Early magazine cover- a lot of drawings like books
Poster- Just a picture with the title
Married to Type- Just the right amount of text and it doesn't take away from the picture
Forest of words- A lot of words, can take away from he picture 

Environmental- portrait taken of a person or people in a situation that they live in and shows who they are. 
Self portrait- Picture that you take of yourself that is not a selfie
Casual- photos that are of people doing their own thing. 

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