Friday, March 31, 2017

Student of the month


1. How do you feel about winning student of the month?
I feel proud that all my work paid off
2. What did you do to earn this?
I tried hard in school 
3. What did your parents say when you told them you won?
They told me congratulations 
4.Do you feel different at school now?
Kind of because people think better of me 
5. What did your friends say when you won?
They told me they didn't believe I got student of the month
6. Did you want to win student of the month? Explain
Yes because I would get a lot of recognition
7. Were you surprised you won? Why? 
Yes because there were so many people with good grades and attributes 
8. What happened when you won student of the month?
I won a trophy 
9. Do you feel respected and honored now?
yes because people think I'm smart now
10. Did you already know you were going to win?
11. Are you involved in any sports? If so, which ones?
Yes, I play soccer
12. What do you do to help the community?
I volunteer at the food bank and some schools
13. Are you proud of yourself? Explain
Yes because there was so many people that could've won
14. Did your teachers and principle nominate you?
15. Are you a straight A student? If not what are you struggling in.
16. Where do you see yourself after school?
Going to college for business school
17. How many AP classes do you take?
all ap classes
18. Are you involved in any clubs at school? If yes, which ones
Yes, class officer
19. Do you feel pressured to be perfect all the time now?
Yes because people expect more from me now
20. What is your favorite subject? Why?
Social studies because it's easier to get good grade

Learning how to Interview


  • School principle 
  • A top member from the school board
  • A well known parent

  1. How did this thought come up?
  2. Who's idea was it to create school uniforms?
  3. What made you decide this?
  4. How does this affect your children?
  5. How do you feel about uniforms?
  6. What is the purpose for the uniforms?
  7. Why did you all want to change to school uniforms?
  8. How is this affecting the school?
  9. Do school uniforms make the school look good?
  10. How do parents and students feel about this new rule?
  11. Do you prefer uniforms?
  12. What are the negative thoughts about uniforms?
  13. Will the girls and boys have to wear the same thing?
  14. What positives are there about uniforms?
  15. Does the school board always have a say in everything? If yes, why?
  16. Did everyone hear what the students have to say?
  17. Do you think uniforms will help students not to be bullied for what they wear?
  18. What do school uniforms achieve? 
  19. What's the purpose in having uniforms all of a sudden?
  20. How does the rest of the district feel about uniforms

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Architecture preview 2

Eden project, United Kindom
1. Details                                                                    4.Angles and shapes
Related image                                 Image result for eden project

2.Lighting                                                                 5. Surroundings
Related image                                Image result for eden project 

3. Patterns
Related image

Cubic Houses
1. Details                                                                      2. Lighting
Image result for cubic houses close up                                   Related image

3. Patterns                                                                     4. Angles and Shapes
Related image                                    Related image

5. Surroundings
Image result for cubic houses rotterdam

1.Details                                                                           2. Lighting
Related image                                       Related image

3. Patterns                                                                        4. Angles and shapes
Image result for atomium, belgium                                       Related image

5. Surroundings
Image result for atomium, belgium

La pedrera
1. Details                                                                        2. Lighting
Image result for la pedrera, spain close up                                     Image result for la pedrera, spain

3. Patterns                                                                      4. Shapes and Angles
Related image                                      Related image

5. Surroundings
Image result for la pedrera, spain

Habitat 67
1. Details                                                                       2. Lighting
Related image                                    Image result for habitat 67 at night   

3. Patterns                                                                     4.Shapes and Angles
Related image                                     Related image       

5. Surroundings
Image result for habitat 67

Lone Star Dispatch Issue 4

Page A1: Varsity Cheerleaders prepare for national competition

Summary: The varsity cheerleaders get to go to the UCA high school competition in Orlando, Florida. It's a very tough competition to win with international teams coming and college recruits. With many injuries they had to change the whole routine plenty of times. The cheerleaders have never made it finals so that's their biggest goal this year.

Who?: Varsity cheerleader
What?: Prepare for nationals
Where?: At school and Orlando
When?: Feb 10
Why?: made it to nationals 
How?: By competing 
Who was quoted in the story?: Tanya Zint, Captain Bridget alvarez and coach Roggemann
What quote was the strongest in your opinion and where did that quote appear in the story?
"'It's a lot of work, it takes a huge toll on them, especially because it's the last few days of the six weeks so they have to be on top of their school work prior to leaving,' Roggemann said" It appeared in the middle of the story
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?: Yes 

Page A7:  Peaceful protesters hope to solve long-lasting problems

Summary: Women and men her been sticking to their guns and they are making peaceful  marches and one being at the Texas state capital. The marches are not  violent, they want to express  peace, equality, and acceptance between all humans. These marches want people to take away the Pink tax, subduing laws against abortion clinics in Texas, and giving all women trustworthy heal care.

Who?: Protesters
What?: They don't think rules are fair 
Where?: Around the nation
When?:Since Donald Trump was elected president
Why?: Want equality
How?: Making marches and having equality
Who was quoted in the story?: No one
What quote was the strongest in your opinion and where did that quote appear in the story?: None
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?: 
Kinda of

Page B4: Behind the Scenes of The Who's Tommy musical 
Summary: Who's Tommy was a play and they had a lot of difficulty setting up and making some props for the play. They had ordered a bridge and they waited and waited for it to come in and it never did so they had to think of something on opening night. They spent countless hours figuring out cues and everyone's spots. 

Who?: Actresses and technicians for the Tommy play
What?: They have difficulties with the play set up
Where?: Bowie High School
When?: Earlier this year
How?: They had to make a lot of changes
Why?: They're props didn't come in
Who was quoted in the story?: Emma Thomas, Elizabeth Tiedt, Julia Cabrera, Mathew Humphrey, Kayln Holloway, 
What quote was the strongest in your opinion and where did that quote appear in the story?: "I think we have a good group of students we knew would pull it together"
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?: Yes

Page A1: 
Critique the photo in 2-3 sentences, include in your writing something about the lighting, the impact of the photo on the page, the impact of the photo on the story it goes with.
The story is about Varsity cheerleaders but the picture is of JV cheerleaders so it doesn't impact the story as much as it could.I think it is a good photo though because you can tell the cheerleaders were moving but there's not a lot of blur and you can see clearly. The lighting is good because you can see the cheerleaders faces clearly.

What rule of composition do you see in the photo?
What or who is the main subject?
Jv cheerleaders

Is the photo exposed properly?

Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field

Page B1
Critique the photo in 2-3 sentences, include in your writing something about the lighting, the impact of the photo on the page, the impact of the photo on the story it goes with.
The photo goes well with the story because it shows the girl with her horse and a skill that is being done by the horse. I think it was a good photo to chose because it shows and explains what's happening. The lighting is also good because you can see the girl and horse perfectly without any shadows.m
What rule of composition do you see in the photo?

What or who is the main subject?
Celeste Hermes and her horse 

Is the photo exposed properly?

Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field

Page B4:

Critique the photo in 2-3 sentences, include in your writing something about the lighting, the impact of the photo on the page, the impact of the photo on the story it goes with.
This photo does go with the story because it looks like the are trying to figure something out. I think the lighting is good.
What rule of composition do you see in the photo?
Lines, Balance

What or who is the main subject?
Students involved with the Who's Tommy play

Is the photo exposed properly?

Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field

Critique the photo in 2-3 sentences, include in your writing something about the lighting, the impact of the photo on the page, the impact of the photo on the story it goes with.
This picture goes well with the story because it shoes Kate actually doing the skill so people who don't understand what the skill actually is, they can look at it and see it. I think the lighting is fine. 
What rule of composition do you see in the photo?

What or who is the main subject?
Kate Stubbs

Is the photo exposed properly?

Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field

Critique the photo in 2-3 sentences, include in your writing something about the lighting, the impact of the photo on the page, the impact of the photo on the story it goes with.
This picture does go well with the story because you can see what is actually happening and visualize the problems. 
What rule of composition do you see in the photo?

What or who is the main subject?

Is the photo exposed properly?

Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field

What is your favorite photo in the entire paper?
My favorite photo is of the Who's Tommy story 

Why is this your favorite?
This is my favorite because they're all so focused looking and it looks like they need to get work done and I think you can feel the emotion of what they are feeling. 

What rules of photo composition are evident?
lines and maybe rule of thirds
What is your least favorite photo in the entire paper?
The page where the 2 guys are lifting weights but it it 2 different stories.

Why is this your least favorite?
I feel like both photos are almost the same and they should be a little bit more different because they have different stories and are about similar topics but have a different meaning 

If I was a photographer I would want to do entertainment or sports because I am very athletic and like all kinds of sports but I also like what other students do.I liked the paper but I think some pictures could have been better. I didn't like how some pictures were in black and white and others were I color, I think they should all be  the same. The stories were really strong and written good. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Architecture preview assignment

Eden project, United Kingdom- 
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Nicholas Grimshaw

2. When was it built?
   It was completed in may of 2000 but openedonMarch 17, 2001. It took 2 1/2 years to complete.

3. Where is it located?
St Blazey, Cornwall, United Kingdom

4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
You can visit it

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
It cost £141m

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
Could not find

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this building because it looked interesting and I wanted to know more about it. I liked the shape of the building because it looks like a globe but the its made out of hexagon palates. I also thought it was cool how they have diverse plants that you can't just see in someones yard. I feel like this would be a good educational site to go see if you are interested in plants. 
Image result for Eden project, United Kingdom-

Cubic Houses, Netherlands
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Piet Blom 

2. When was it built?

It stared construction in 1982 but was completed in 1984

3. Where is it located?
Rotterdam and Helmond Netherlands

4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
Normally a private building unless you are friends with someone who lives in one. 

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
Could not find

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?The architect's design represented a tree and all of the houses make up a wood. 

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this building because the way the houses are is very unique because houses are not normally tilted. Also the color of the house caught my eye because yellow is a very bright and appealing. Its just a very interesting concept because most people wouldn't think to build tilted houses and it's crazy how this concept actually works and people want to live here. 
Image result for Cubic Houses, Netherlands

Atomium, Belgium
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Andre and Jean Polak

2. When was it built?

3. Where is it located?
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
You can visit it 

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
Could not find

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
The building is suppose to show nine iron atoms in the shape of the body centered cubic unit cell of an iron crystal.

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because when I read about it, it sounded pretty cool. There is a restaurant in the top sphere. There is also events that can happen in any of the spheres and I thought that was cool. 

Image result for Atomium, Belgium

La Pedrera, Spain
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Antoni Gaudi and Josep Maria Jujol

2. When was it built?

3. Where is it located?
Barcelona, Spain

4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
You can visit it

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
Could not find. 

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
It is a spiritual symbol

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because the shape of the building is different and cool looking. The inside circle of the building is also colorful and that a pretty cool. I also like how you can to to the top of the building and look at the city. 

Image result for La Pedrera, Spain

Habitat 67, Canada
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Moshe Sadie
2. When was it built?

3. Where is it located?
Montreal, Canada 
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
private building

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
$22,195,920 or about $140,000 per living unit

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
To be built as a pavilion for Expo 67 or the worlds fair 

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because I really like how it is shaped. 
Image result for Habitat 67, Canada