Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Architecture preview assignment

Eden project, United Kingdom- 
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Nicholas Grimshaw

2. When was it built?
   It was completed in may of 2000 but openedonMarch 17, 2001. It took 2 1/2 years to complete.

3. Where is it located?
St Blazey, Cornwall, United Kingdom

4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
You can visit it

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
It cost £141m

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
Could not find

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this building because it looked interesting and I wanted to know more about it. I liked the shape of the building because it looks like a globe but the its made out of hexagon palates. I also thought it was cool how they have diverse plants that you can't just see in someones yard. I feel like this would be a good educational site to go see if you are interested in plants. 
Image result for Eden project, United Kingdom-

Cubic Houses, Netherlands
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Piet Blom 

2. When was it built?

It stared construction in 1982 but was completed in 1984

3. Where is it located?
Rotterdam and Helmond Netherlands

4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
Normally a private building unless you are friends with someone who lives in one. 

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
Could not find

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?The architect's design represented a tree and all of the houses make up a wood. 

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this building because the way the houses are is very unique because houses are not normally tilted. Also the color of the house caught my eye because yellow is a very bright and appealing. Its just a very interesting concept because most people wouldn't think to build tilted houses and it's crazy how this concept actually works and people want to live here. 
Image result for Cubic Houses, Netherlands

Atomium, Belgium
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Andre and Jean Polak

2. When was it built?

3. Where is it located?
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
You can visit it 

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
Could not find

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
The building is suppose to show nine iron atoms in the shape of the body centered cubic unit cell of an iron crystal.

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because when I read about it, it sounded pretty cool. There is a restaurant in the top sphere. There is also events that can happen in any of the spheres and I thought that was cool. 

Image result for Atomium, Belgium

La Pedrera, Spain
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Antoni Gaudi and Josep Maria Jujol

2. When was it built?

3. Where is it located?
Barcelona, Spain

4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
You can visit it

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
Could not find. 

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
It is a spiritual symbol

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because the shape of the building is different and cool looking. The inside circle of the building is also colorful and that a pretty cool. I also like how you can to to the top of the building and look at the city. 

Image result for La Pedrera, Spain

Habitat 67, Canada
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Moshe Sadie
2. When was it built?

3. Where is it located?
Montreal, Canada 
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
private building

5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
$22,195,920 or about $140,000 per living unit

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
To be built as a pavilion for Expo 67 or the worlds fair 

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because I really like how it is shaped. 
Image result for Habitat 67, Canada

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