Friday, March 31, 2017

Student of the month


1. How do you feel about winning student of the month?
I feel proud that all my work paid off
2. What did you do to earn this?
I tried hard in school 
3. What did your parents say when you told them you won?
They told me congratulations 
4.Do you feel different at school now?
Kind of because people think better of me 
5. What did your friends say when you won?
They told me they didn't believe I got student of the month
6. Did you want to win student of the month? Explain
Yes because I would get a lot of recognition
7. Were you surprised you won? Why? 
Yes because there were so many people with good grades and attributes 
8. What happened when you won student of the month?
I won a trophy 
9. Do you feel respected and honored now?
yes because people think I'm smart now
10. Did you already know you were going to win?
11. Are you involved in any sports? If so, which ones?
Yes, I play soccer
12. What do you do to help the community?
I volunteer at the food bank and some schools
13. Are you proud of yourself? Explain
Yes because there was so many people that could've won
14. Did your teachers and principle nominate you?
15. Are you a straight A student? If not what are you struggling in.
16. Where do you see yourself after school?
Going to college for business school
17. How many AP classes do you take?
all ap classes
18. Are you involved in any clubs at school? If yes, which ones
Yes, class officer
19. Do you feel pressured to be perfect all the time now?
Yes because people expect more from me now
20. What is your favorite subject? Why?
Social studies because it's easier to get good grade

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