Monday, October 17, 2016

Africa and abandoned theme parks


1. On your blog post your reactions to what you read and what you saw. How about 3-4 sentences.
I think the conditions for the animals are very scarce and its very sad. The animals don't have a safe place to live and if they move they will most likely get killed and I don't think that's fair because sit someone moves houses they don't get killed. I think we need to stop poaching because it going to cause the animals to go extinct.  

2. Do a goo
gle image search for Nick Brandt, find your favorite photo and post it on your blog
Image result for nick brandt

3. Describe it and tell me why its your favorite.
This is a picture of a lion roaring. It is my favorite pictures because that's what the lion feels and that how the conditions are in Africa. 

4. What rules of photography are evident in the photos you selected, be sure to explain the rule to me?
There is simplicity or balance. 

Do a google/wikipedia search for Nick Brandt

5. What kind of camera and lens does he use and why is this important?
He uses pentax 67, this is important because he doesn't want to get to close to the animals because he wants the background and the full effect for the photos.

6. What is his reason for taking these photos?
He wants too show the animals in there normal everyday state of  living. He wants everyone to see the problems that are being caused. 

7. What is his hope by taking these type of photos?
That people will stop poaching and they will actually take care of these endangered animals. 

8. Find something he has to say about Africa, and post the quote on your blog
"There is also something deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa"

Abandoned theme parks:

1. Tell me which amusement park featured in the two articles that you would like to visit and take your camera along and what about that park made you want to go there. Write at least a paragraph.
I would want to go to the six flags in New Orleans because they have the same type of rides as they do now at other six flags so seeing it all worn down and rusty would be interesting. I would like to take pictures at that six flags and at another six flags and then compare the photos together. The pictures on the link looked very interesting.

2. Post one photo from that park. You may use the photos from the link, or you can google an entirely new photo. I would prefer to see a photo of the park in disrepair and not a photo of it when it was still operating.

3. Think of at least FIVE other unusual places you think would be of interest to photographers. List them.

Going into a jungle, a junkyard, abandoned mansions, rivers out of america, 

4. Use google or another search engine to research ONE of your five places and see if anyone has already started documenting that place. If you find that someone has already started - post at least one photo of their work.

5. Write a paragraph about why you think that it would be fun to document that location. Tell me what interests you about that place and what kind of photos you could expect to take there.
I would be fun to take photos at an abandoned mansion because they are so big and there is a lot of rooms to take photos of. Each mansion has there own unique aspect and different objects to take pictures of. To see a mansion that's abandoned to a mansion now would be interesting to compare. I would want to see the color of the walls and how it was decorated.

6. Tell me what it would take for you to go and take photos at your location. What would you need as far as equipment goes, travel plans, expenses you might encounter and what laws you would have to take into consideration to take photos at your spot.

I would need an airplane ticket but I would stay in America. I would have to figure out where I'm going first then I'd figure out the laws. As far as equipment, I would just take a camera and lenses. 

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