Friday, October 7, 2016

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them? Post the images with your writing.I just think Harry is so unique and he takes a lot of pictures of people and his photos of the city are cool and interesting. I like how he takes two photos and makes them overlap each other. 

2.) Look at those 2 photos you posted last time in the assignment Great Black and White Photographers Part 2. Use your five senses to tell me more about those photos. Answer them on your blog.
I see
I smell
I hear
I taste

I feel 

I see the confusion in the ladies face as she's walking through the city. I smell the street food people are selling on the side of the road. I hear the faint voices of people talking as they pass through the street. I taste the fresh air on a new day. I feel the anxiety of the crowd of people walking different directions.

I see the dead branches lingering onto the trunk of the tree in the cold weather. I smell food about to be served. I hear the church bells ringing on christmas day. I taste the bitterness of the snow. I feel the nervousness as I wait to open my gifts. 

3.) Finally, what would you like to create to show the world your great photographer. Ideas include, posters, power points, a blog, etc. You tell me what you would like to create so we can come up with a plan to share your thoughts and ideas about your photographer with your classmates and with the rest of the school.
 I think we should use a blog because it will be fast and your stuff will get saved. We could also use a poster because that is also quick and easy for everyone. 

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