Monday, April 17, 2017

SLO practice

1. In the following, which news value is most clearly represented in the caption below?

Caption: Courtney Suel (left) and Lesia Bridges navigate a flooded Aquarena Springs Drive in San Marcos on Tuesday. One gauge in the city recorded nearly seven inches of rain.

A. Conflict
B. Human Interest
C. Impact
D. Proximity

2. In the following, which news value is most clearly represented in the caption below?

Caption: Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday in Nogales, Ariz: "This is a new era. This is the Trump era. The lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our immigration laws....are over."

A. Prominence
B. Human Interest
C. Impact

3. Which of the following is an example of a present tense action verb?

A. painted
B. gets painted

C. paints
D. getting paint

4. What is the most wrong with the following headline?

Headline: Big win

A. The date and the place
B. The background information
C. The lack of a verb
D. The lack of a subject
5. What information is missing from the first sentence of this caption:

Caption: On Wednesday, March 13 senior Sarah Smith captured the flag.

A. The date
B. The location
C. The name of the subject
D. A present tense verb

6. What information is missing from the second sentence of this caption:

Caption: On Wednesday, March 13 senior Sarah Smith captured the flag in the annual senior games event held at Bowie High School. Smith lives at 10405 Johnston St. in Austin.

A. The date of the event
B. A present tense verb
C. Background information about the senior games
D. The name of the subject

Caption Writing:

Please write a correct 2 sentence caption for the following photo - remember that you get to make up all the information, but you still need to follow the correct format as described above:

Paul Zint and Malala Yousafzai walk down the aisle in a Canadian cathedral. Malala was being interviewed by Paul about her incident as people take photos of them. 

Photograph: Chris Wattie/Reuters

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