Monday, April 10, 2017

Student of the Month Story

Who- Cole Claessen
What- won student of the month
Where- at Bowie High school
When- This past year
Why- he made good grades and is a good student in all his classes, he also helps with the community and is very friendly
How- His teachers and Principle nominated him

The principle and teachers have nominated a new student of the month at Bowie High School as of March 31, 2017. His name is Cole Claessen and he makes perfect straight A's and he also volunteers for the community.

The student of the month award is a very tough award too win, there are many students trying to achieve to this goal. Cole Claessen worked very hard by making perfect grades, practicing with his soccer team, and helping out his teachers and peers when needed.

Every student wants to win Student of the month but luckily for Cole, he did.

"There were so many people with good grades," Cole Claessen said.

Each student feels accomplished after winning.

"I feel proud that all my work paid off," Claeseen said.

Cole worked the hardest he had ever worked before.

"I tried hard in school with all AP classes," Claessen said.

His parents and friends had a similar reaction to him winning.

"They told me they didn't believe I got student of the month and they said congrats," Claessen said.

Although he was working hard, Cole didn't believe he was going to win.

"There was so many people but people think I'm smart now," Claessen said.

With making all A's in his classes, he still made time for extra circular activities and the community.

"I play soccer, volunteer at the food bank, and class officer," Claessen said.

When Cole was asked if he wanted to win, he replies with

"Yes i would get a lot of recognition and people think better of me," Claessen said.

After high school Cole wants to attend college for business school.

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