Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Academic Shoot Preview Assignment

The Story
The story for this photo is a group of kids from the school that decided to gather foods and set up a table outside. They posted signs around their city saying they will be having this event where they feed the homeless. When the day cam they all pitched in and helped feed the homeless who couldn't get any food. 

Action and Emotion
This picture shows a group of kids around a flagpole and they are holding hands with their heads down. I feel like they are praying for those that are in the service fighting for our country, or praying for their loved ones who have died. 

Filling the Frame
There is something going on in all aspects of this photo. Theres students doing a lab in a science class and they are all gathered around one table. The teacher is behind them doing his one work.

Part 2:
The photo that I chose would be the one called "Junior Year", it has a boy sitting on the library floor and he has a lot of SAT and ACT books around him and he has one in his hands that he is reading. I picked this photo because it looks interesting and the photographer made it look more dramatic because they put the photo in black and white, also I feel like this is going to be me next year. The rules of photography that I saw is framing, balance, and lines. 

Part 3:
I would like to go shoot in the child development classroom taught by Mrs. Barnes because they are always doing something in that class and it's really interactive and fun. I would also like to go shooting in any science class because they are always doing labs and doing something interactive. I will find a certain person or a couple of people and just focus on them the whole time. 

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