Monday, September 12, 2016

Post shoot reflection

Part 1:

1. The challenges I encountered were trying to find something unique that you haven't seen before. The subjects were limited and it was hard to find something different.

2. I thought about framing the most because I didn't want my subject to be questioned if there was something else in the picture. I had to zoom in sometimes to make sure my subject was seen clearly.

3. I think I would just look for some o=more rules of photography to mask my pictures better.

4.   I honestly don't know what I would do the same

5.  I feel like I have simplicity, balance, and maybe lines.

6. Yes maybe I will go find something else to take a picture of.

Part 2:


2. I like the ideas of the photos she had. I also like the last picture the best.

3. I think on the first three pictures she could've shot the picture at different angles the make the pictures look more interesting.

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