Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Academic Shoot


1. What composition rule did you follow the rule?
I followed lines. 

2. What is the subject (be very very specific)?
The two women and the boy all standing in a line.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?Sorta, the lady on the far left might look a little out of line and it could question people.
4. If you can't very clearly see what the subject is, what could you have done differently?
I could have waited for the lady on the far right to move back a little. 


1. What composition rule did you follow the rule?
The composition rule I followed is balance.
2. What is the subject (be very very specific)?
The subject would be the guy and the girl writing on their paper.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
Yes i think it should be.
4. If you can't very clearly see what the subject is, what could you have done differently?
I could have moved to the left little bit more. 


1. What composition rule did you follow the rule?
I followed simplicity.

2. What is the subject (be very very specific)?
The subject is the girl sitting on the floor doing her work.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
Yes because theres not anything else going on in the background to be focusing on

4. If you can't very clearly see what the subject is, what could you have done differently?
I could've maybe moved to the left a bit more.

Rule of thirds

1. What composition rule did you follow the rule?
I followed rule of thirds.

2. What is the subject (be very very specific)?
The subject is the boy reading from the textbook.

3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
Maybe, the backpack in the back ground might be a little disturbing or the boy that's cut off next to the back pack.

4. If you can't very clearly see what the subject is, what could you have done differently?
I could have angled the camera vertical so the boy will completely be in focus.


1. What composition rule did you follow the rule?
I followed framing. 

2. What is the subject (be very very specific)?
The subject is the man and women between the two pillars.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
Not really, the boy in the left conner is there and it might be confusing to people.
4. If you can't very clearly see what the subject is, what could you have done differently?

I could have moved to the left a little more. 

Avoiding mergers

1. What composition rule did you follow the rule?
I followed avoiding mergers
2. What is the subject (be very very specific)?
The subject is the girl getting cut off.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
Not really
4. If you can't very clearly see what the subject is, what could you have done differently?
I could have focused it more on the girl. 

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