Monday, November 14, 2016

5 website number 2

Briefly describe what you looked at on the website (2-3 sentences, make sure you write enough to really make it clear that you spent time looking at the website).
I learned to talk to your model to make it less awkward because most likely your model ill already be nervous. Take your model out of their comfort zone and take pictures of them doing actions, they wouldn't normally do. Take photos of the model not looking at the camera. Leave a lot of space in the background or on the side of the photo. Break the rules of photography, and tilt the horizon line. 

What did you learn new?
I learned some tips for taking good portrait photos.

a.     Why did you pick this photo?
I thought this picture looked cool and it was different.

b.     What rules of photography do you see in the photo?
Simplicity, Balance, Rule of Thirds

c.     Who took the photo?
I'm not sure who took the photo. 

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