Monday, November 7, 2016

Magazine Part 2

On your blog, write a short (50-150 word) explanation of what the main attributes of each of the four types are. Use your own words, and DO NOT copy and paste.

Cover types

1. Image Based- This is the most common type of magazine cover with normally one or more people on the cover. The person or people on the magazine will usually sell the issue. For a travel magazine the photography includes the foot, meal, or a landscape for the cover. The big thing is that the photography needs to correspond with the style of the publication.  

2. Illustration Based- This way is to give the audience something funny or unusual. There aren't a lot of magazines who go for illustrated covers so the ones that do, don't have to rely on newsstand sales. Most magazines go for computer generated illustrations. 

3. Type Based- This style is rare but not as much as illustrated covers. The way the typing looks makes the audience understand what is happening better than with picture. This way gives a powerful message is the way the type is written and how it presents words. 

4. Concept Based- This style can be a mix of all three styles from above. It presents a strong or funny message. You normally see this is business magazines, news weekly, or independent magazines. 

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