Monday, November 28, 2016


1. Why did you pick this image? What caught your eye?
I chose this photo because it is really sad to see that many soldiers dying to save our country. 

2. Summarize what you read. How about 2-3 sentences explaining the photo.
In 1991 the U.S. government banned news organizations from photographing pictures this these because it is violating the 
families privacy. In April 2004 , 700 U.S troops had been killed in Iraq and they were returning home in coffins with US flags dropped over them. As Tami Silicio, working for a cargo company in Kuwait, was moved by what she saw, she got her camera out and took a photo of these coffins. She emailed the photo to a friend in US who then sent it to a photo editor at the Seattle Times. With Silicio's permission, the Times put the photo on their front cover. It started rage and Silicio was fired from her job. After this many felt that these pictures should be exposed, in 2009 during Barak Obama's first year office, the Pentagon lifted the ban. 

3. Every photo has some additional information, links, readings, or videos associated. Please tell me what you learned in addition to the actual photo. If you need to watch a video, I can come put in my credentials so you can watch, just raise your hands.
There is a quote on the picture by Tami and you could tell the grief she was feeling for the soldiers and their families. 

4. Look up the photographer. Post this famous image of theirs PLUS one more of theirs that catches your eye. (This means I should see at least 2 photos per post).

5. Find a biography of the photographer and provide the following information:

Name: Tami Silicio
Birth and death year (if applicable)
Born where
School attended (college or photo school)

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